About WoodFireCeramic.com

Wood Fire Ceramic - About the website

Low-fire ceramics and wood-fired kilns

Jeps, that sums up my interest when it comes to ceramics:
Wood Fire Ceramic – More specifically wood firing, homemade & entry kilns, historic ceramics & archeology, raw materials, Cone 05, and earthenware clay.

I do have a master of arts in ceramics, but left the field 20 years ago. I guess it makes me too well-educated to be an amateur, and too un-established to be a professional. Not what I once dreamt of I admit. But life happened, and you just got to ride with it, right? With a steady income elsewhere, I today have the freedom to immerse myself in any part of the field that interests me, and skip all kinds of other things I just never liked; like serial production, exhibitions, constant money concerns, and so on.

What I do love is goofing around, I like reading books, finding out & testing things, I like trial and errors, and redoing things over and over til I get it right. I like the craft and the feel of it, I like wet terracotta. And best of all investigate a new idea.

This website started as my personal notes; take photos as you progress, write notes, gather and systemize your information. That’s key habits for anyone working with ceramics. When I gathered my know-how on my C: drive, it just didn’t end up in an informative and elegant way. Since I’m also interested in WordPress, believe in sharing know-how, and enjoy taking photos, it all ended up here as this webpage.

And that’s my only ambition as far as this webpage is concerned.

Vemund, Norway 2023. hello@woodfireceramics.com

I do hang around this wood-firing Facebook forum:

Wood fired kilns & pottery Facebook group
