Wood fired pottery & Backyard kilns

Intense burning out of the pipe

Why build a homemade wood fired pottery kiln?

Building your own wood fired backyard kiln is easy, fun, and inexpensive.

Humans have fired clay to ceramic in woodfired kilns since ancient times, join a proud tradition and one of the oldest crafts on earth. It’s also a skill for sustainable living; off-grid and bushcraft if that’s your thing, or as urban as a city backyard. Where electric kilns simplify the burning process to a point where you don’t really need to give it much thought, and kilns that burn diesel, oil, or gas are harmful to the environment.

The wood-fired kiln offers a clean, renewable energy source. And it’s rewarding to control the inferno of fire with planning, manual work, and know-how. It’s easy to start up with wood firing and get some results, but really master it, read the firing process and control everything takes years of practice. Read about the wood firing historic roots and human superstition

A woodfired kiln can burn as hot as any other type of kiln, it can deliver whatever an electric kiln can give you, and it even has some unique features you can’t achieve elsewhere.

All ceramic kilns from this webpage are Homemade and DIY, they do not require special equipment, advanced building skills, or crafts like welding. Several of the kilns are just built by laying bricks on top of other bricks. You don’t need big investments either, maybe you have access to some planks or leftover wood, a backyard, and some old house-bricks? Red terracotta bricks are stable up to 1100 degrees Celsius, perfect for building low-fired ceramic kilns. Or you can do like me; I bought used, cheap Firebricks from someone demolishing a 40-year-old baker’s kiln.

Here on this webpage I build, test, and describe:

– Low-cost ceramic kilns
– Small-size ceramic kilns
– Easy-to-build ceramic kilns
– Fired-by-one-person ceramic kilns
– Burned-for-maximum-12-hours ceramic kilns

Go on and try it yourself, it’s fun!

Yamamoto: The most beautiful part is the back of the pot – it is “the wrap of the flame” effect.
From the book “The Art of Firing”.


Resources from the Internet:




